Seen on the Show Circuit


L to R In deep shade is Rich Sobol of T shirt fame.  I was wearing one of Rich's shirts at an event in N. London CT today (8 Sept 02) and got three compliments on it.  Way to go Rich.  Next is a Bill Brackett's wife Sue and to her right is our leader Norm Jones.

This next photo was taken in the parking lot in Waltham before the September meeting.  Errol had brought some chucks, lathe dogs and large diameter drills for give away.  He had no sooner pulled into the lot than two members from the grand state of Maine descended on the goodies like "Maine Vultures" on road kill.

L to R are Phil Goodwin, Bill Schoppe and Max BenAron. Max in not from Maine and denies any, even distance relationship to the vulture line, but he was right there to pick over the goodies.  

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